Health News, bringing you the latest health articles as well as health news with Health & Wellbeing in mind.
Environmental Health Perspectives: Obesogens: An Environmental Link to Obesity
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.
Gene Switches Do More Than Flip 'on' or 'Off'
A UNC-led team of scientists finds that transcription factors don't act like an ‘on-off' switch, but instead can exhibit much more complex binding behavior.
Environmental Obesogens Make Children and Adults Fat
New Research Shows Link Between Common Environmental Contaminant and Rapid Breast Cancer Cell Growth
Breast cancer cells are more aggressive the longer they're exposed to cadmium
US scientist: 'Many routes of exposure' to endocrine disruptors | EurActiv
Independent specialised European Union affairs portal for EU policy professionals. Expert EU policy journalists follow a wide range of European legislation and topics. Stories, interviews and articles are available in English, French and German.
Prenatal pesticide exposure tied to lower IQ in children
A new UC Berkeley study has found that prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides – widely used on food crops – is related to lower intelligence scores in children. Every tenfold increase in measures of organophosphates detected during a mother's pregnancy corresponded to a 5.5 point drop in overall IQ scores in children at age 7, the researchers found.
Epigenetik bei Ratten: Fungizid verändert Verhalten folgender Generationen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Eine Dosis eines Pflanzenschutzmittels beeinträchtigt nicht nur trächtige Ratten - sondern auch deren Urenkel. Ein Experiment mit den Nagern zeigt, was für weitreichende Folgen giftige Chemikalien haben können.
BPA Replacement Permeates Paper Products | Chemical & Engineering News
Living on Earth: Chemicals That Make You Fat
Some researchers, including Bruce Blumberg of the University of California, Irvine, believe chemicals we’re unwittingly exposed to could be making us fat. Blumberg tells host Steve Curwood if the timing is right, chemicals may be instructing stem cells to become fat cells.
Hormones and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Low-Dose Effects and Nonmonotonic Dose Responses
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.
Even BPA-Free Plastic Not Always Safe : Discovery News
Even BPA-free plastic can leach hormone-like chemicals, research shows, and there's no way to tell which products pose the risk.
Hormone-mimicking chemicals released into rivers have been found to impact the mating choices of fish, a new study has revealed. The controversial chemical BPA, which emits estrogen-like properties, was found to alter an individual's appearance and behavior, leading to inter-species breeding.
Girls exposed to high levels of a common household chemical had their first period seven months earlier than girls with lower exposures, according to new research by federal scientists. “This study adds to the growing body of scientific research that exposure to environmental chemicals may be associated with early puberty,” said lead author Danielle Buttke of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Age of menarche – when a girl has her first period – has fallen over the past century, from an average of 16-17 years to 12-13 years. Experts suspect that better nutrition and rising obesity rates play a major role but some evidence also points to chemicals in consumer products that can mimic estrogen. The CDC study is the first to link dichlorobenzene and the age of girls’ first period. Dichlorobenzene, a solvent, is used in some mothballs and solid blocks of toilet bowl deodorizers and air fresheners. It is found in the bodies of nearly all people tested in the U.S.
Toxicology: The learning curve : Nature News & Comment
Researchers say that some chemicals have unexpected and potent effects at very low doses — but regulators aren't convinced.
Chemicals in Food Can Make You Fat - CBS News
The Early Show: Chemicals in Food Can Make You Fat - Author of "New American Diet" Discusses How You Can Change Yours to Eliminate Toxins
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Estrogens in a Bottle?
PET bottles potential health hazard › News in Science (ABC Science)
France urges ‘quick action’ on endocrine disruptors | EurActiv
Paris has placed the EU’s endocrine disruptor strategy on the agenda of a meeting of environment ministers on Thursday (12 June), saying the effects of some chemicals on the human body are now sufficiently documented and call for urgent action at the European level.
Health costs in the EU - How much is related to EDCs? - Health and Environment Alliance
Today HEAL has launched figures showing that exposure to endocrine disruptors may be responsible for up to €31 billion per year in health costs in (...)
Environmental exposure to the industrial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) lowers the effectiveness of a targeted anti-cancer drug for inflammatory breast cancer, according to a new study. The results also show that BPA causes breast cancer cells to grow faster.
Scientist calls for regulation of 'stealth chemicals' | EurActiv
Shanna H. Swan, a renowned scientist specialising in reproductive medicine, has warned about the health effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) such as phthalates which can end up in food via pesticides or plastics. In an interview with EurActiv, she calls on regulators to better protect consumers against those "hidden chemicals".
A Warning by Key Researcher On Risks of BPA in Our Lives by Elizabeth Kolbert: Yale Environment 360
The synthetic chemical, BPA - found in everything from plastic bottles to cash register receipts - is a potent, estrogen-mimicking compound. In an interview with Yale Environment, biologist Frederick vom Saal harshly criticizes U.S. corporations and government regulators for covering up - or ignoring - the many health risks of BPA.
CSN Blog » Warnung eines bedeutenden Forschers – Über die Risiken, mit denen BPA unser Leben bedroht
Water contaminant linked to children's low IQs — Environmental Health News
Feminized male fish less likely to be fathers. — Environmental Health News
Male fish feminized by exposure to environmental estrogens do not father as many offspring as their normal counterparts, suggesting the changes may alter wild fish populations.
Exposure to Environmental Endocrine Disruptors and Child Development
06 Dr. Pete Myers, Environmental Health Sciences, United States - YouTube
Bisphenol A: Mistakes and Opportunities
That Takeout Coffee Cup May Be Messing With Your Hormones | Mother Jones
Nordic Council calls on EU to ban damaging compounds found in household products that cost millions due to their harmful impact on male reproductive health
Small doses can have big health effects. That is a main finding of a new report, three years in the making, published Wednesday by a team of 12 scientists who study hormone-altering chemicals. Dozens of substances that can mimic or block hormones are found in the environment, the food supply and consumer products, including plastics, pesticides and cosmetics. One of the biggest controversies is whether the tiny doses that most people are exposed to are harmful. Researchers led by Tufts University’s Laura Vandenberg concluded after examining hundreds of studies that health effects “are remarkably common” when people or animals are exposed to low doses. "Fundamental changes in chemical testing are needed to protect human health," they wrote.
Overview — The Endocrine Disruption Exchange
TEDX, founded by Dr. Theo Colborn, is an non-profit organization dedicated to compiling and disseminating the scientific evidence on the health and environmental problems caused by low-level exposure to chemicals that interfere with development and function, called endocrine disruptors.
Podcast: Reflections of a Pioneer, with Theo Colborn | Upstream
"Reflections of a Pioneer," with Theo Colborn: In the 1950s biologists began noticing unusual behavior and various reproductive health problems in wild animals. Environmental health analyst Theo Colborn was one of the first to start asking what those trends might mean for humans. You can listen to the podcast by clicking here. Transcript: AHEARN: It’s•
Theo Colborn is Founder and President of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX), based in Paonia, Colorado, and Professor Emeritus of Zoology at the Univer...
BPA exposure linked to changes in stem cells, lower sperm production — Environmental Health News
Estrogenic Exposure Alters the Spermatogonial Stem Cells in the Dev... - PubMed - NCBI
PLoS Genet. 2015 Jan 23;11(1):e1004949. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004949. eCollection 2015.
Atrazine’s path to cancer possibly clarified | Science News
Scientists have identified a cellular button that the controversial herbicide atrazine presses to promote tumor development.
Publikationen - Mediendatenbank
Das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) gehört zum Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit und ist Anlaufstelle in nahezu allen Fragen des Umweltschutzes. Das UBA veröffentlicht regelmäßig neue Publikationen zu umweltrelevanten Themen. Auf dieser Seite sehen Sie die neuesten Publikationen.
EHP – Prenatal Phthalate Exposures and Neurobehavioral
Development Scores in Boys and Girls at 6-10 Years of Age
Phthalate aus Kunststoffprodukten schädigen besonders ungeborene Kinder
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.
This Plastic Chemical Is Banned From Baby Toys, But Preemies Get a Heavy Dose of It | Mother Jones
Prenatal Exposure to Common Chemicals Linked to Lower IQ in Kids
Chemicals called phthalates -- found commonly in plastics and fragrances -- may disrupt children's brain development, new research suggests.
PLOS ONE: an inclusive, peer-reviewed, open-access resource from the PUBLIC LIBRARY OF SCIENCE. Reports of well-performed scientific studies from all disciplines freely available to the whole world.
Puberty Comes Earlier and Earlier for Girls
Girls are entering puberty faster than ever, and jeopardizing their health and happiness.
Endocrine disrupting chemicals in the atmosphere: Their effects on humans and wildlife
Science paper recommended ways of identifying hormone-mimicking chemicals in pesticides linked to foetal abnormalities, genital mutations, infertility and other diseases including cancer
▶ Endocrination - Documentary HD - YouTube
Documentary by Stéphane Horel (France, 2014). French title: Endoc(t)rinement A countdown has begun in Brussels. Europe is considering a ban on endocrine disr...
Is Your Coffee Maker Toxic? » EcoWatch
With concerns about endocrine-disrupting chemicals like BPA in plastic, look for plastic-free coffee makers made of glass, stainless steel or porcelain
Press release available in French and German Spiralling rates of hormone-related disease may be due to exposure to hormone-mimicking synthetic (...)
Earlier menopause linked to everyday chemical exposures
Women whose bodies have high levels of chemicals found in plastics, personal-care products, common household items and the environment experience menopause two to four years earlier than women with lower levels of these chemicals, according to a new study at Washington University School of Medicine ...
PLOS ONE: Persistent Organic Pollutants and Early Menopause in U.S. Women
Phthalat: Der Gripsweichmacher - Newsletter: DocCheck News - DocCheck-News - DocCheck News
Review: Endocrine disrupting chemicals and immune responses: a focu... - PubMed - NCBI
Mol Immunol. 2013 Apr;53(4):421-30. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2012.09.013. Epub 2012 Oct 31. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; Review
Pregnancy Hormone Plays a Role in Fetal Response to Hormone Disruptors
Early exposure in the human womb to phthalates, which are common environmental chemicals, disrupts the masculinization of male genitals, according to a new study that will be presented Sunday at the Endocrine Society’s 97th annual meeting in San Diego.
Autistic Features Associated With Prenatal Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors
Prenatal exposure to phthalates and flame retardants may contribute to autistic-like features in offspring, according to a study in rats.
Lower IQ, adult obesity and 5% of autism cases are all linked to exposure to endocrine disruptors found in food containers, plastics, furniture, toys, carpeting and cosmetics, says new expert study
To what extent are women in the child bearing age group exposed to endocrine disrupting pesticides? The fourth part of a study series by HEAL (...)
EXPosition aux PERTurbateurs endocriniens - EXPPERT Survey 4
Full report in French (PDF)
Occupational exposure to chemicals may up lymphoma risk for men | Reuters
(Reuters Health) – - Men who work with hormone-mimicking chemicals for at least 30 years have a higher risk of cancers of the lymph tissue than others, according to a long-term observational study in several
The transgenerational consequences of environmental contaminant exposures of aquatic vertebrates have the potential for broad ecological impacts, yet are largely uninvestigated. Bisphenol A (BPA) and 17[agr]-ethinylestradiol (EE2) are two ubiquitous estrogenic chemicals present in aquatic environments throughout the United States and many other countries. Aquatic organisms, including fish, are exposed to varying concentrations of these chemicals at various stages of their life history. Here, we tested the ability of embryonic exposure to BPA or EE2 to cause adverse health outcomes at later life stages and transgenerational abnormalities in medaka fish. Exposures of F0 medaka to either BPA (100[emsp14][mgr]g/L) or EE2 (0.05[emsp14][mgr]g/L) during the first 7 days of embryonic development, when germ cells are differentiating, did not cause any apparent phenotypic abnormalities in F0 or F1 generations, but led to a significant reduction in the fertilization rate in offspring two generations later (F2) as well as a reduction of embryo survival in offspring three generations later (F3). Our present observations suggest that BPA or EE2 exposure during development induces transgenerational phenotypes of reproductive impairment and compromised embryonic survival in fish of subsequent generations. These adverse outcomes may have negative impacts on populations of fish inhabiting contaminated aquatic environments.
Is phthalate alternative really safe? -- ScienceDaily
A commonly used plasticizer known as DINCH, which is found in products that come into close contact with humans, such as medical devices, children's toys and food packaging, might not be as safe as initially thought. According to a new study, DINCH exerts biological effects on metabolic processes in mammals. The findings may have important implications since DINCH has been promoted by industry has as a safe alternative to phthalate plasticizers, despite there being no publicly available peer-reviewed data on its toxicology.
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New studies from NYU Langone show two chemicals commonly added to plastics may be as harmful as the chemical they were meant to replace. Learn more.
Chemicals in Household Dust May Be Linked to Obesity | EWG
Some chemicals in household dust may lead to obesity, according to a new study by a team of scientists from Duke University and Boston University.
Home — The Endocrine Disruption Exchange
TEDX, founded by Dr. Theo Colborn, is an non-profit organization dedicated to compiling and disseminating the scientific evidence on the health and environmental problems caused by low-level exposure to chemicals that interfere with development and function, called endocrine disruptors.
Generations at Risk? Environmental Contaminants and Reproductive Health - YouTube
Tracey Woodruff, Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment at UCSF, explores the effects of the environment on reproductive development and cancer s...
Human body acts as ‘big sponges’ by absorbing air pollutants directly through skin, say scientists
Scientists have found that the human skin is actually absorbing air pollutants, with the same levels absorbed through breathing, which could cause asthma and cancer.
Why the United States Leaves Deadly Chemicals on the Market - In These Times
Obesogens | The Scientist Magazine®
Low doses of environmental chemicals can make animals gain weight. Whether they do the same to humans is a thorny issue.
EHP – Parabens and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Ligands Cross-Talk in Breast Cancer Cells
Lotion ingredient paraben may be more potent carcinogen than thought | Berkeley News
Endocrine disruptors: European Commission 'breached law' - BBC News
The European Court of Justice rules the European Commission breached EU law over the potentially harmful
"BPA-free" plastic alternatives may not be safe -
Your "BPA-free" plastic product may be no safer than the product it replaced, according to new research in animals.
Article published by the Endocrine Society
ClientEarth means Justice for the Planet. We are an organisation of activist environmental lawyers committed to securing a healthy planet. We work in Europe and beyond, bringing together law, science and policy to create pragmatic solutions to key environmental challenges.
This is the not-so-green side of treating manure - Conservation
PCB Scandal - March/April 2001 Sierra Magazine
Survey findings show those living near pesticide spraying exposed to EDCs |
Is Your House Toxic? - YouTube
The shampoo in your shower, the foam in your mattress, your TV, couch, carpet, pillows...chemicals are everywhere. And they aren't all safe. Subscribe for mo...
Endocrine disruptors’ link to infertility confirmed –
Article published by the Endocrine Society
Chemical Exposure Linked to 1.4 Billion Euros in Women's Health Care Costs | Endocrine Society
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals may contribute to reproductive health problems experienced by hundreds of thousands of women, costing European Union an estimated €1.4 billion ($1.5 billion) a year in health care expenditures and lost earning potential, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Unsafe at any Dose? Diagnosing Chemical Safety Failures, from DDT to BPA
by Jonathan Latham, PhD Piecemeal, and at long last, chemical manufacturers have begun removing the endocrine-disrupting plastic bisphenol-A (BPA) from products they sell. Sunoco no longer sells BPA for products that might be used by children under three. France has a national ban on BPA food packaging. The EU has banned ...
Endocrine disruptors: The secret history of a scandal — Environmental Health News
Chemical pollutants: French environment minister calls for disclosure — Environmental Health News
Endocrine disruptors: Brussels’ industry-linked scientists sow doubt — Environmental Health News
Acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to autism — Environmental Health News
The well-known documentary "Plastic Planet" by Werner Boote starkly illustrates the dangers of plastic and synthetics for human beings and also shows how ubiquitous plastic is. Motivated by this multiple award-winning film, ...
EDC Timeline – Endocrine Society Centennial
Documents - Endocrine disruptors - Environment - European Commission
Policy documents from the European Commission Directorate-General for Environment address the potential problems posed by endocrine disruptors.
How your washing machine could be damaging fertility
The mystery of how hormone-disrupting chemicals have come to be found in lakes and rivers has been solved, and the culprit is the washing machine.
Background fish feminization effects in European remote sites : Scientific Reports
Human activity has spread trace amounts of chemically stable endocrine-disrupting pollutants throughout the biosphere.
Hormones and EDCs | Hormone Health Network
Hormones and EDCs Description [A nice downloadable diagram for EDC briefing]
The nature and extent of care received by an infant can affect social, emotional and cognitive development, features that endure into adulthood. Here we employed the monogamous, California mouse ( Peromyscus californicus )...
PLOS Biology: Wreaking Reproductive Havoc One Chemical at a Time
Article published by the Endocrine Society
Endocrine disruptors: A denial of the state of the science. — Environmental Health News
Endocrine disruptors: The manufacture of a lie. - Environmental Health News
Estrogenic Activity of Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons Used in Printing Inks
The majority of printing inks are based on mineral oils (MOs) which contain complex mixtures of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons. Consumer exposure to these oils occurs either through direct skin contacts or, more frequently, as a result of MO migration into the contents of food packaging that was made from recycled newspaper. Despite this ubiquitous and frequent exposure little is known about the potential toxicological effects, particularly with regard to the aromatic MO fractions. From a toxicological point of view the huge amount of alkylated and unsubstituted compounds therein is reason for concern as they can harbor genotoxicants as well as potential endocrine disruptors. The aim of this study was to assess both the genotoxic and estrogenic potential of MOs used in printing inks. Mineral oils with various aromatic hydrocarbon contents were tested using a battery of in vitro assays selected to address various endpoints such as estrogen-dependent cell proliferation, activation of estrogen receptor α or transcriptional induction of estrogenic target genes. In addition, the comet assay has been applied to test for genotoxicity. Out of 15 MOs tested, 10 were found to potentially act as xenoestrogens. For most of the oils the effects were clearly triggered by constituents of the aromatic hydrocarbon fraction. From 5 oils tested in the comet assay, 2 showed slight genotoxicity. Altogether it appears that MOs used in printing inks are potential endocrine disruptors and should thus be assessed carefully to what extent they might contribute to the total estrogenic burden in humans.
A non-estrogenic alternative to Bisphenol A at last?
Environ Sci Technol. 2017 Feb 7;51(3):1718-1726. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04704. Epub 2017 Jan 18.
Study finds indoor cats have high levels of flame retardants
A study finds indoor cats have high levels of flame retardants in their blood, raising concerns about children who inhale the same household dust.
The ‘safer' plastics designed to replace BPA may be just as bad for you | Popular Science
A new study finds that BHPF—a chemical used in some BPA-free plastics—causes harmful pregnancy outcomes in mice. What does that mean for humans?
Bisphenol A is used in the production of many plastic products, but has adverse health effects and is therefore being replaced.
There is no question that chemical pesticides are poisons: Their specific function is to destroy insects, mites, bacteria, viruses and fungi, but their targets are also weeds, in other words any unwanted plants growing in a field alongside whatever the farmer has planted. The question is, when used on plants destined for human consumption, do they end up in our bodies? To what extent? And how do they interact with the human organism?
BPA-free plastic may host BPA-like chemical, teen finds | Science News for Students
Something has to replace the BPA in ‘BPA-free’ plastics. A teen has been probing what that is.
Let’s stop the manipulation of science
Around a hundred scientists ask Europe and the international community to act against endocrine disrupting chemicals. They condemn the use of strategies for manufacturing doubt employed by industries in the climate change battle.
BEUC Position on the Regulation of Endocrine Disruptors (PDF link)
If we are serious about protecting people’s health and the health of future generations, Europe’s inaction on endocrine disruptors must come to an end
The Endocrine Society, the world’s largest organization of endocrinologists, welcomed the European Parliament vote Wednesday objecting to proposed criteria that would have failed to identify endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) currently causing harm to public health.
It's Surprisingly Hard to Ban Toxic Sex Toys, But Here's How to Protect Yourself | Glamour
Consumers are more concerned than ever with the ingredients lurking in food and beauty products, but what about toxic sex toys?
Federal Study: Replacements for Hormone-Disrupting BPA May Be Just as Bad | EWG
Replacements for bisphenol A, a hormone-disrupting chemical in plastics and food containers, could be just as harmful or even worse than it, according to a new study by the National Toxicology Program.
Toxic Chemicals May Increase Chances of Regaining Weight After Dieting | EWG
Exposure to fluorinated industrial chemicals, known as PFAS or PFC chemicals, may increase the amount of weight that people, especially women, regain after dieting, according to a new study by Harvard University researchers, published in PLOS Medicine. It found that women with higher levels of PFAS chemicals in their blood at the start of the study regained an average of 3.7 to 4.8 pounds more than women with lower levels of the chemicals in their blood.
Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer Taints Drinking Water for Millions of Americans | EWG
A new hub for the science of hormone disruptors - EHN
Let's Talk EDCs | Endocrine Society
Autism and phthalates: Exposure in womb linked to autistic traits in boys - EHN
This Chemical Can Impair Fertility, but It’s Hard to Avoid - The New York Times
65% of Period Underwear Could Be Contaminated with PFAS Chemicals
Beauty products are full of risky chemicals. I tried to get rid of them. - Vox
What are phthalates, and how do they put children's health at risk?
Sex Toys Shed Fertility-Damaging Chemicals