U.S. examining possible effects of bisphenol A | Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The federal agency that investigates health risks is concerned that the chemical bisphenol A may harm people and is spending $20 million to study the substance, widely used in food
A Closer Look: Bisphenol A and its potential health risks - latimes.com
The chemical is found in plastic bottles, food can liners and on receipts. But the risks from exposure are unclear.
Teens carry 30 per cent more BPA than rest of population - The Globe and Mail
Discovery of chemical in nearly all Canadians raises alarm
New Study Confirms BPA Exposures from Receipts | Environmental Working Group
New Study Confirms BPA in Receipts Green Chemistry Pioneer’s Paper Documents Risk
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.
Chemicals: Human exposure to BPA 'grossly underestimated' -- study -- 09/20/2010 -- www.eenews.net
Americans are likely to be exposed at higher levels than previously thought to bisphenol A, a compound that mimics hormones important to human development and is found in more than•
Pregnant women who eat canned vegetables daily have elevated levels of bisphenol A, an estrogenic chemical found in food containers and other consumer products, according to new research published today. More than 90 percent of pregnant women had detectable levels of BPA, and a variety of sources of the chemical were identified in the study. Pregnant women who were exposed to tobacco smoke or worked as cashiers also had above-average concentrations.
On The Money: BPA in Dollar Bills and Receipts
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.
Living on Earth: Chemical Review
Forty-five million different chemicals are commercially available around the world — and many of these chemicals go untested. Host Bruce Gellerman talks with Professor Patricia Hunt from Washington State University who wrote a letter in the journal Science, calling for more stringent review of chemicals. Her letter was co-signed by scientific societies representing 40,000 researchers and clinicians.
BPA—another inconvenient truth
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) relied heavily on two industry-funded studies in declaring the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) safe for humans, while ignoring over one hundred scientific studies linking BPA with adverse health effects.
BPA Sends False Signals To Female Hearts - Science News
Ingredient of some plastics and food packaging can interfere with cardiac rhythm
Research.gov - SEE Innovation - Inorganic Coating Offers BPA-free Lining for Food Cans
MU's Frederick vom Saal wants FDA to ban BPA, endocrine disruptors - Columbia Missourian
Frederick vom Saal, a biology professor and researcher, is among a group of scientists working to influence public opinion about a group of chemicals that can be found in many commercial products such as plastics, food cans and many other household products.
Bisphenol A exposure linked to brain tumor diagnosis. — Environmental Health News
Exposure to Bisphenol A is a risk factor for meningioma- a type of brain cancer in adults-, finds a study from China.
BPA Replacements Appear In Household Dust | Chemical & Engineering News
Big Chem, Big Harm? - NYTimes.com
Chemicals in everything from canned food to A.T.M. receipts could affect you, your children and your children’s children.
Is “BPA-Free” a Lie? | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
Is “BPA-Free” a Lie?
Study links BPA to birth defects, miscarriage | Fox News
A new study has found ‘compelling’ evidence that the plastic additive bisphenol A (BPA) may negatively impact women’s reproductive systems and cause chromosome damage, birth defects and miscarriages
BPA replacement alters hormones at low doses, study finds — Environmental Health News
Just like the controversial compound it's designed to replace, a chemical used in cash register receipts and other consumer products messes with hormones, according to research published today. The study by University of Texas scientists is the first to link low concentrations of bisphenol S (BPS) -- a bisphenol A (BPA) alternative -- to disruption of estrogen, spurring concern that it might harm human health. Researchers exposed rat cells to levels of BPS that are within the range people are exposed to. And, just like BPA, the compound interfered with how cells respond to natural estrogen, which is vital for reproduction and other functions. “I think we should all stop and be very cautious about just accepting this as a substitute for BPA,” said lead author and biochemist Cheryl Watson. “And not just BPS. We should question the whole process about how we introduce chemicals into the marketplace without properly testing them first.”
Timeline: BPA from Invention to Phase-Out | Environmental Working Group
BPA was invented nearly 120 years ago and currently used in enormous amounts to manufacture hard plastic water bottles and to make epoxy linings of metal food cans, like those for canned infant formula. Stuides conducted over the past 20 years now show it to be not only a ubiquitous pollutant in the human body - it contaminates nearly 93% of the population - but also a potent developmental toxin at very low doses.
CSN Blog » 120 Jahre notorischer Bisphenol-A Skandal
A Warning by Key Researcher On Risks of BPA in Our Lives by Elizabeth Kolbert: Yale Environment 360
The synthetic chemical, BPA - found in everything from plastic bottles to cash register receipts - is a potent, estrogen-mimicking compound. In an interview with Yale Environment, biologist Frederick vom Saal harshly criticizes U.S. corporations and government regulators for covering up - or ignoring - the many health risks of BPA.
CSN Blog » Warnung eines bedeutenden Forschers – Über die Risiken, mit denen BPA unser Leben bedroht
wissenschaft.de - Zarter Schmelz – dank Bisphenol A
Mice harmed by low doses of BPA but not high doses, study says — Environmental Health News
Baby mice exposed in the womb to low doses – but not high doses – of bisphenol A were fatter and had metabolic changes linked to obesity and diabetes, according to a new study published today. Building on previous studies that link the hormone-altering chemical to changes in body weight and glucose tolerance, the new research fuels an ongoing controversy over whether federal testing of chemicals is adequate to protect people from low doses. “What’s scary is that we found effects at levels that the government not only says is safe, but that they don’t bother to test,” said Fredrick vom Saal, a University of Missouri, Columbia, professor and senior author of the study. Many of the effects were reported in the mice fed daily doses – just during pregnancy – that were one-tenth of the amount that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says is safe for daily exposure throughout life. Used in polycarbonate plastics, canned food liners and some thermal receipts, BPA is found in almost everyone’s body. Some earlier studies have linked it to obesity and diabetes in people.
BPA linked to errors in human egg development — Environmental Health News
A new study with human eggs shows that bisphenol A causes errors that can prevent eggs from developing fully and may contribute to infertility. The effects were found at the lowest dose tested, which was lower than levels that have been measured in women's ovaries. The findings are consistent with numerous animal studies.
Information about trying to conceive, early pregnancy symptoms, the stages of pregnancy, labor and delivery, pregnancy drug dangers, what to buy for your baby and more on MedicineNet.com.
EHP – BPA as a Mammary Carcinogen: Early Findings Reported in Rats
EHP – Bisphenol A Exposure and Cardiac Electrical Conduction in Excised Rat Hearts
Environmental Health News: Archives
The Scary New Evidence on BPA-Free Plastics | Mother Jones
BPA Study in Primates Reveals Danger to Unborn - Flour Sack Mama
BPA study in primates reveals danger to unborn. University of Missouri Curators' Professor Frederick vom Saal explains newly published research on BPA.
Wie gefährlich sind Bisphenol A und seine Ersatzstoffe? - Spektrum.de
BPA ist möglicherweise gesundheitsschädlich, warnen Toxikologen. Verbraucher fordern unbedenkliche Alternativen. Getan hat sich bisher nur wenig.
Food intolerance at adulthood after perinatal exposure to the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A
Food intolerance at adulthood after perinatal exposu... [FASEB J. 2014] - PubMed - NCBI
PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Would you like your receipt? Maybe not, if it’s still coated with BPA. - The Washington Post
The chemical is still found on the paper you get every day at grocery stores and elsewhere. Health impacts are uncertain.
BPA Exposure During Pregnancy Linked to Lung Problems in Children
The children born to women who were exposed to the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) during pregnancy may be at an increased risk of lung problems, according to a new study.
▶ 06 Dr. Pete Myers, Environmental Health Sciences, United States - YouTube
Bisphenol A: Mistakes and Opportunities
EHP – Comparing BPS and BPA: Cardiovascular Effects in Female Rat Hearts
Comparing BPS and BPA: Cardiovascular Effects in Female Rat Hearts
BPA can adversely affect parenting behavior in mice | EurekAlert! Science News
Biparental care of offspring occurs in only a minority of species. Studies have shown that maternal care can be negatively affected when females are exposed to BPA; however, no studies have shown how this chemical can affect maternal and paternal care. Researchers at the University of Missouri have used biparental California mice to prove that offspring born to parents who are exposed to BPA receive decreased parental care by both the mother and father.
EHP – Unexpected Activity: Evidence for Obesogenicity of a BPA Metabolite
Year in review: BPA alternatives aren't benign | Science News
Evidence is accumulating that at least one popular alternative to bisphenol A can enter the body and trigger developmental and physiological changes.
Chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) classified as toxic - Health and Environment Alliance
At the beginning of February, the EU Commission and EU Member States agreed to the classification of bisphenol A (BPA) as a presumed human (...)
Bisphenol A in low doses can affect the reproductive system, behavior -- ScienceDaily
If rats are exposed to bisphenol A in low doses during early development it can lead to reduced sperm count, obesity and changes to breast development and behavior. These results support previous animal studies, which have shown that low doses of bisphenol A can affect development of the metabolism as well as the reproductive and nervous systems.
EFSA wants to review the chemical BPA, again – EurActiv.com
EWG's Food Scores rates more than 80,000 foods in a simple, searchable online format to empower people to shop smarter and eat healthier. Each item in the database is scored based on three factors: nutrition, ingredient concerns and degree of processing.
Prenatal bisphenol A exposure weakens body's fullness cues | Endocrine Society
An expectant mother's exposure to the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) can raise her offspring's risk of obesity by reducing sensitivity to a hormone responsible for controlling appetite, according to a mouse study published in the Endocrine Society's journal Endocrinology.
As water treatment plants struggle to keep up with the chemical cocktail heading into our pipes, researchers say they’ve come up with a solution to remove one of the most ubiquitous contaminants—BPA.
Exposed: How willful blindness keeps BPA on shelves and contaminating our bodies - EHN
More bad news for BPA: Novel analysis adds to evidence of chemical's health effects - EHN
BRIEF: Bisphenols (PDF-Link)
The hidden, potential cancer-causing, danger in woodworking and art supplies - EHN
What is BPA and why is it in so many plastic products?